How to have grace with yourself

I constantly feel as if I need to be productive and forget to stop and pause. Unfortunately I feel like we all wear the burn out label with too much pride. When I feel burned out, I literally can’t do anything else. I want to hide in my blankets with my cat and just lay there without any responsibilities. I fill as if my brain cannot handle any more. So let’s take the time to answer the these questions and give yourself permission to slow down.

How are you seriously?

Right now I’m better then I was a couple days ago. I’ve been filing every second of the day with either work or babies. Now I’m forcing myself to go slow and I’m slowly feeling free.

How can I care for myself

-read good books, including Gods word

-get out with other ladies without babies

-eat to nourish my body, not to feed my emotions

How can I care for others?

-be a mommy to my babies

-a caring and intentional wife

-a friend that others can lean on

What are you missing?

What makes you feel deeply alive?

And how can you fill your heart up with that even if just a tiny bit?

This is something that you may or may not know, but I always dreamed of becoming a writer/rockstar. I’ve been neglecting my inner musician as well as my joy of writing. I need to make more time to make music and write. In those moments I truly feel alive!

I love

God, listening to and playing music, eating and making food, hanging with good friends, working out, writing, making my babies giggle, and one on one time with my hubby.

Slow. Down. Momma. ❤️

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